RLC Wijesundera, SSBDP Soysa, ED de Silva, CM Nanayakkara\r\n
Antioxidant potential and content of the polyphenolic secondary metabolites of white rot macrofungi; Flavodon flavus (Klotzsch.) and Xylaria feejeensis (Berk.)
Article Reviewed By:
Toni Pablo Galindo(pgalindo@ua.pt)
Muthuthanthriege Dilusha Maduranganie Fernando, Antioxidant potential and content of the polyphenolic secondary metabolites of white rot macrofungi; Flavodon flavus (Klotzsch.) and Xylaria feejeensis (Berk.)(2016)SDRP Journal Of Plant Science 1(1)pp.10-15
White rot fungi are known to possess an efficient antioxidative system consisting of enzymatic elements and polyphenolic secondary metabolites which is implicated in the decay process of secondary cell wall in the wood. The current study was aimed at determining the antioxidant capacity, the contents of phenolic and flavonoid metabolites of two white rot macrofungi; Flavodon flavus (Klotzsch.) and Xylaria feejeensis (Berk.) collected from Dambulla and Mahiyanganaya in Sri Lanka. Crude extracts of macrofungi were prepared using methanol and dichloromethane by sonication extraction. Antioxidant capacity of the crude extracts was investigated using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl scavenging method using ascorbic acid as the standard antioxidant agent. The quantity of phenolic compounds was determined by Folin-Ciocalteau spectrophotometric method. Flavonoid contents of white rot fungi were evaluated by the aluminum chloride colorimetric method. F. flavus and X. feejeensis showed potent antioxidant activity with EC50 values of 77.00 ± 0.18 µg/ml and 98.4 ± 0.28 µg/ml respectively. Further, both species showed high levels of total phenol and flavonoid contents. In conclusion, these findings suggest studied white rot fungi have strong antioxidative systems and imply that phenol and flavonoid compounds possibly contribute to the observed promising antioxidant activity.
Key words: White rot fungi, Antioxidant activity, EC50, Phenol content, Flavonoid content
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