Dr Shivakumar Magada

Dr Shivakumar Magada

Designation:   Professor

Contact Information:   Professor of Aquatic Biology, Department of Aquatic Environment Management, KVAFSU, College of Fisheries Mangaluru

Area Of Interest

1. Growth Performances of Indian Catfish under different Compounded Feeds 2. Breeding and Culture Possibilities of Indian catfish Clarias batrachus. 3. Protein Requirement of Indian Catfish Clarias batrachus in Monoculture System. 4. Standardization Stocking Density for Production of Stunted Fingerlings of Indian Carps 5. Effect of Pressmud on Plankton Production 6. Wide Survey of Agri-Based Families and Promotion of Aquaculture at the Family Level. 7. Effect of Substrates on Growth and Survival Juveniles of Macrobrachium Rosenbergii. 8. Development of Fish Culture Technology for Saline/Alkaline Soils (National Agricultural Development Program-RKVY, Government of India funded)