Carlos Henrique Araújo Fonsêca, Bruno Carvalho Marques, Leonardo Bispo Reis, Darcy Andrade Cardoso Lima, Luiz Henrique Silva Mota, Raoni dos Santos Andrade, Glauber Andrade dos Santos, Ana Lúcia Moreno Amor
C.H. Ara
Respiratory allergies may develop at any age, but the onset are more frequent in childhood and juvenile population due to genetic factors and to development of the immune system, which may presents as rhinitis and/or asthma. In Brazil, asthma is the second cause of hospital admission in children aged four to nine years old and the third in adolescents. Exposure to pathogens, particularly helminths, and their products are common in developing countries, and it appears to protect against the development of autoimmune and allergic diseases in experimental and human models. Based on these data, the present study investigated the presence of allergic conditions, infection by intestinal parasites and symptomatology on the juvenile population of the rural area of Santo Antônio de Jesus (Bahia - Brazil), from July to October, 2015. A questionnaire was applied to evaluate asthma and allergic symptoms and the parasitological feces exam was performed in 47 individuals. The study identified 81% of the positive samples for at least one parasite species; 45% polyparasitism; and the prevalence to Endolimax nana (48%) and hookworms (39%); eczema as the predominant allergic manifestation (34%) and headache, fatigue after physical activity, urticaria, itching in the head and nervousness as the most frequent signs and symptoms. The prevalence of enteroparasites, respiratory allergy and the symptoms associated with each of them are present in the studied population, and it may be related not only to the infection, but also to the presence of previous or overlapping diseases.
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